Violaine Roger, a nurse and social worker, created La Maison des plus petits, an association for children with multiple disabilities placed in care by the child welfare agency Aide Sociale à l'Enfance. The aim is to provide a family setting for highly vulnerable children.

An innovative solution for "invisible children”

Babies and children with disabilities or complex pathologies, abandoned by their parents, are placed in institutions or foster families. However, they are too few and inadequate.

To remedy the situation, La Maison des plus petits offers disabled children in the care of the child welfare agency Aide Sociale à l'Enfance an innovative, family-like setting. They can be taken in at any time while waiting to return home, to a foster family or to a specialized institution.

A home on a human scale

The home offers seven disabled children up to six years old a family environment with a couple living on site. It is the missing link in their care. It is also a place of respite, care, support for parenthood and training for foster families.

Young civic service volunteers also live on site. They give the children their time by carrying them, playing with them and just being there.

The foundation’s support

The Bettencourt Schueller Foundation shares the values of this inclusive shared housing project and supports La Maison des plus petits. It contributes to an innovative solution for neglected, sick and handicapped children placed in care by the courts.

Grants for solidarity

Promoting a society in which everyone finds their place.

See all projects in the field of Solidarity